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Biden Press Conference Today


Biden's News Conference: What to Expect

Biden's News Conference to Be Held on Thursday

President Biden will hold a news conference on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 1:15 p.m. ET. The news conference will be held in the East Room of the White House.

Topics Biden is Expected to Address

During the news conference, Biden is expected to address a range of topics, including the following:

  • The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
  • The economy
  • The war in Ukraine
  • Other domestic and international issues

How to Watch Biden's News Conference

Biden's news conference will be broadcast live on major television networks and news websites. You can also watch the news conference live on the White House website.

What to Expect from Biden's News Conference

Biden's news conference is expected to be closely watched by both domestic and international audiences. Biden is likely to face tough questions from reporters on a range of issues. It is also possible that Biden will make some major announcements during the news conference.

The news conference is an opportunity for Biden to communicate directly with the American people and the world. It will be an important event to watch for anyone interested in the latest news on the Biden administration.

